Nacionalinis socialinės integracijos institutas ieško dalyvio į tarptautinius mokymus Ispanijoje, Asturias \”Small-Foot: how to reduce your ecological footprint\”. Projektas vyks rugsėjo 29 – spalio 7 d.
Projekto aprašymas (anglų k.):
Biodiversa – a young Spanish ENGO – will be hosting, in Valeri, village in the county of Villaviciosa, Principality if Asturias, Spain – the training course \”Small-Foot: how to reduce your ecological footprint\”. This training course will provide you with some basic knowledge regarding your Ecological Footprint and give you some nice ideas on how to reduce it. We will be exploring and discussing different aspects of our lives in which we can choose whether to harm the planet or not. We will do this through non-formal education methods (team games, workshops, study visits, round-tables…), combining peer-to-peer education with training and guidance from experienced trainers and facilitators. You will hopefully come back home with a nice set of tools and ideas for living more sustainably, and feeling totally motivated to spread your learning and to get down to work for changing the world around you.
Norinčius dalyvauti šiuose mokymuose, kviečiame parašyti trumpą motyvacinį laišką el. paštu
Jeigu reikalinga papildoma informacija, rašykite
Dalyviams bus suteiktas apgyvendinimas, maitinimas ir dengiama 70% kelionės išlaidų.
Dalyvavimo renginyje mokestis: 10 eurų NSII savanoriams, 15 eurų – kitiems. Su dalyviais bus pasirašomos sutartys, įpareigojančios dalyvius pateikti trumpas projektų ataskaitas – informacinius straipsnelius